CONNECT 2022 - Ayurvedic Nutrition: Another way to treat the whole person | Virender Sodhi, MD(Ayurveda), ND




Cost: Non-members: $65 | Member: $35 | Student: $15
Ayurvedic medicine has been refining itself for over 3000 years. As a result, the nutritional advancements Ayurveda has made are myriad. In this lecture, Dr. Sodhi will pull from his over 35 years of experience in treating patients with Ayurveda and Naturopathic medicine to enhance and inspire naturopathic doctors who are already using food as medicine with each patient. The doshic system of nutrition will be introduced as well as the modern research, including nutrigenomics and food matrix concepts will be discussed alongside a plethora of case studies. Lastly, attendees will leave able to immediately utilize basic Ayurvedic diagnostics and pathophysiology to consider in tandem with their usual treatment styles.
Dr. Virender Sodhi was the first Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physician in the United States. He earned his M.D. in Ayurveda in 1980 from the Dayanand Ayurvedic Medical College in Jalandar, India. Dr. Sodhi served as a clinician and medical professor in India until 1986, when the Indian government selected him to share Ayurveda with Western society as part of a cultural exchange program. After arriving in the United States, Dr. Sodhi enrolled at Bastyr University and received his N.D. degree from Bastyr in 1988. His clinical work has specialized in combing Ayurvedic medicine and oncology, having finished fellowship in Integrative Oncology with Dr. Mark Rosenberg in 2012. He is also the CEO of Ayush Herbs Inc, bringing sustainable and pure Ayurvedic herbs and balanced herbal formulations to the West. He currently practices at the Ayurvedic & Naturopathic Medical Clinic in Bellevue, Washington.
**This presentation is worth 1 Category 1 CE credit for Washington NDs.**
Originally presented October 16, 2022, at WANP's CONNECT 2022 conference.